Years as a Human Resource Director developed Cyndy’s specialization in team training. Under individual coaching from nationally known companies like Armor-Dial, Quaker Oats, the Food Marketing Institute and Disney University, she learned the thrill of advancing others to become their best.
Simultaneously, Cyndy began extensive training with internationally known speaker and writer, Florence Littauer, in the fields of speaking, writing and furthering understanding of the four basic personalities as they apply to business and personal relationships. Through the Littauer organization, Cyndy was certified as an Advanced Personality Trainer.
Cyndy combined her expertise to train team members in gaining state and national recognition, while often noticing the hindrance of personal heartache that lurked behind their achievements. She knew there was more that could enhance inter-personal dynamics.
During a series of traumas, diseases, family deaths, breakups, and losses that added up to a mountain of secret heartbreak, Cyndy cultivated a new relationship with God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). As this relationship with God matured, she discovered His deep love for her and His miraculous ability to heal all wounds from her past. Through much prayer and ministry training, Cyndy now combines her business background with her passion for helping others heal from their past and maximize the strengths of their relationships.

In 2017, she published her first book, The Heart Healer: God’s Response to Personal Prayer in a Hurting World which has brought a new level of hope to readers in many aspects of their lives. The Heart Healer was soon followed by The Heart Healer Study Guide. Both books are now in homes across the U.S. and in several other countries.
“Relationship Reality” workshops combine the personal message of The Heart Healer, with the four basic personalities, to create a unique and vital program for the healing and enhancement of family and inter-personal relationships. Every presentation Cyndy gives is infused with the Word of God and biblical principles, and she welcomes the opportunity to bring this program to others internationally.
Cyndy resides with her husband, Terry, in their beloved Hill Country of Texas. They have four children and six grandchildren who all occupy huge spaces in their hearts.